April 28, 2009

Life in Dalkieth

It is 8.21am and I have watched someone check the pool acidity, another person spray the roses, and watched a mother iron her son's (aged 29) shirt. Am I in a bad re-run of neighbours?

Just got on the bus. Looks like its just me and the bus driver.

Aaaah... Dalkieth living. How you numb me like a large splash of novocaine in a tumbler of icy gin.

Good Luck

To the TOC folk, I wish you all the best.

Measurement of Humanities Worth

I have been learning a lot about metrics for the last week. Call it the perfect storm of brand ideas maturing (and their managers demanding results) coupled with an environment where jobs in marketing are shaky and boards demand results from departments. Tim Brown, IDEO legend and hopefully my future boss some day has been writing about the measurement of human achievement in a post-industrialist economy.

I find it utterly enlightening and also deeply inspiring. Imagine a place where our worth is determined by how much we do for others, and each other, rather than the widgets we can create.

I, for one, am excited.

April 27, 2009

Fug Girls

Great censure post about some English tramp getting her bits out, but I am offended that the Fug girls are compelled to educate their readers as to who gravity is.

Back to work. Busted.

Let it shine

This Honda Ad takes over its hosting site, Vimeo giving a totally different dimension to watching ads on computer. I love the sun beam that shines out at the end. It actually feels like the sun is on your face... Beautiful! Click through here for the full show

Honda Insight - Let It Shine from Honda on Vimeo.

Swine Flu

What is the difference between Swine Flu and Bird Flu?

Pigs Can't Fly


Have spent the day fishing for herring. They are one of the dirtiest, oiliest rats of the sea you can catch, but goddamn they are fun! The elegant Garfish are fine eating (albeit bony) but not as plentiful as the 'hezzamiyaki' as The Brother calls them.